
My name is Jarod Graygo and I am a student at Kent State University pursuing a Bachelor of Science in computer science.

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I enjoy lots of things including programming, gaming, playing guitar, and food, though I spend most of my time at work or working on new development projects these days

Picture of me

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I have experience with several programming languages including C++ (of which I have the most practice), Java, Python, R, MatLab, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. I am currently working on getting the hang of using JS resources like Node.js and React.js.

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I was born and raised in Youngstown, Ohio, graduated from Ursuline High School in 2016, and once I got to college, had a real hard time deciding what I wanted to do. I began pursuing a degree in chemical engineering at Youngstown State University before switching to digital electrical engineering after a year. After one semester in electrical engineering, I decided to take a semester off to try to decide what I really wanted to do. I thought that I would stick with my decision for the time being as it seemed like a genuinely interesting field, especially if I could get a job concerning quantum computing where I could utilize the weird and nearly impossible to understand parts of physics to help bring computing and cybersecurity to new levels. During my next semester I took a calculus course with a lab that utilized the program MatLab. I had so much fun designing unnecessary UI, algorithms, and scripts that I started to think about, yet again, changing majors. After that semester I took another class called Engineering Computing where I learned even more MatLab and got scolded more than once for putting too much work into my code. After that semester I finally found exactly what I wanted to do. Computer science. The field is so vast and all-encompassing in today's modern world that no matter what I was interested in, be it the complex math that goes into machine learning, the creativity that goes into creating fantastic looking webpages, or the analytical thought that goes into crafting the perfect algorithm, there would be something for me. So I transferred out of YSU to Kent State in order to pursue my degree in the field I've fallen in love with.